
Monday, April 2, 2012

San Antonio Reserve Champion Heifer Division 2012

Hello Phil. Long time since I talked to you, but I'm still around.

White heifer was Reserve Champion Jr. division Chi Heifer 2012 San Antonio.
We raised both and they are both out of Monopoly and Superman daughters I
kept from the year I leased Superman from you. I wish I had a whole bunch of
those Superman daughters instead of just the 2 I have. The black one was
breed or reserve breed champion many times all year also. Exhibitor is
Savannah Wallace of Montgomery, TX. Her first year showing and just these 2
Monopoly's will win her a TCCA top ten award and she only made 5-6 shows the
whole year. I am definitely a Monopoly fan! Maybe I can lease one of those
Charolais colored Monopoly sons you have next fall? My Charolais bull died
so I am trying to figure out which way to go. That sure was a lot easier
than all of this AI and ET stuff!

Continued good luck and congratulations on your success with your bulls!

Richard Jefferson

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