
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Changes to Child Labor Laws hurt Farmers! Make a difference and Speak Up!

This is Ridiculous!

"Everyone under the age of 18 will be strictly prhibited from any and all acts of animal husbandry. They won't be able to corral and herd cattle, pigs or poultry. THey won't be allowed to brand, breed, or treat or raise animals. They'd be denied access to stockyards, cattle auctions, and feed lots. They can't pitch manure or feed chickens or cows.

They'll have to wait until adulthood to do any of those tasks. Even Future Farms of America and 4-H won't be able to give teenagers the experience they need to be productive rural adults."

Agriculture is the foundation of America, we MUST keep it that way!

To view the Department of Labor's Proposed Rule and COmment on the Rule Making, visit:!documentDetail;D=WHD-2011-0001-0001
Click on "Submit a Comment" and make your voice be heard!!
Today is the last day you can speak up!

Also read this article from Bob Confer about the issue.

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